You may be asked to research a topic using the Internet.  Be careful what you select to quote.  Many articles on the Internet are just someone’s opinion, not a recognized authority.  You want a qualified source.  How can you tell if a source on the Internet is a valid page?  Use the following questions.  If you can answer yes to them, then you may use it.  Always check with your teacher before using Internet resources.





·        What is the author’s name?  _____________________________


·        Are the author’s credentials listed?                                          YES    NO

·        Is the author’s affiliation listed?                                                 YES    NO

·        Is there a link to a home page?                                                 YES    NO

·        Is there a link to the author’s biographical page                      YES    NO


·        When was the document last revised? _____________________

·        Does the document have a header or footer

with site information?                                                      YES    NO

·        Can the information be verified with given

References?                                                                    YES    NO

·        If the document quotes statistics, can you tell if the

Statistics are from a reliable source?                           YES    NO

·        Can you contact the WEBMASTER from the site?                 YES    NO

·        Are the links to other documents working?                              YES    NO